
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Thursday, July 31, 2003

This is the beginning. Not quite sure what I'm doing. I've read several other blogs and quite frankly, I'm impressed. I'm a wannabe writer but I'm not very good. I figure I'll practice here and eventually maybe I'll get an idea to publish one day.

This blog will mostly be used for my fitness plight. Just a little of my fitness kvetch...I'm a proponent of the low carb way of eating. Please don't misunderstand. This does not mean NO CARB. Folks, we need carbs. Not even during Atkins induction, do you eliminate all carbs. Before embarking on the low carb WOL, please read the book, cover to cover. Please! We need carbs for energy and we need them for brain power. We just don't need high fructose corn syrup, we don't need bread, we don't need sugar, or processed foods, or soda pop, or any thing else loaded with sugar. Carbs should come from sources like green veggies, sweet potatoes, brown rice, couscous, etc. I don't care if you agree with me. This is what I found to work for me. If counting points is your deal, so be it. At least, you've chosen a healthy eating pattern and I can't berate you for that. Do what works. Personally, math was never my strong suit. And Geometry? Forget it! But I digress...I've read a lot of books and researched my chosen lifestyle extensively and this is what works for me.

With that said, I'm definitely not perfect. When I give into my "bad carb" cravings, it's all over. It takes quite a bit of discipline to get back into my groove. In fact, I'm going through it now. I decided not to worry about what I ate on my honeymoon- Why should I? Well, I SHOULD because now I'm 10 pounds up asking myself, "Why oh Why?" I know why. I just can't break the spell. Coca-cola is my nemesis. It's my safe place, my comfort, my alcoholic's alcohol. It soothes and comforts, calms and releases all my ailments. I can go for a year without Coke and I give into one and I'm addicted all over again. Got to keep that in check.

I love teaching aerobics. I think that's the only reason I'm not 100 pounds overweight. I exercise 5-6 days a week. I love weight training. It's the best thing I ever discovered. Didn't know I discovered it, did ya? Yep, just like Columbus discovered America. Weight training is the best thing you can do for your mind and body. Do it. Wanna know why?

Well, this is it. My blog. My first entry. I hope you'll share my plight. Benefit from my vast wisdom (uhhh, yea) and maybe share some of yours. One thing I know for sure, I pretty much don't know anything.

Good evening.


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