
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

So, I skipped the entire month of August. This year has been incredibly busy, more than I could've ever imagined. Business has really picked up at work and my co-worker quit. What does this mean? That I have a lot of traveling to do. I've been booked every week since August and it doesn't let up until the end of December. By then, I'm sure they'll have more systems sold.

I'm a software trainer. We have sales people all over the United States. Everytime they sell a system, I implement it and train the customer. I really like that part of my job. I get to travel all over the place and meet lots of people. Besides, when I'm not training, I sit at my desk all day and answer tech support calls for the product. Dullsville indeed.

My problem, when I travel, is my exercise regimen. I really don't have one. I really find it hard to gather the energy to workout. Everytime I leave, I tell myself, "This time I'm going to do it. I don't care how tired I am or how early I have to get up." Well, this week I will be in Indiana and then Iowa. I'm telling myself with all the gumption I have so that maybe this time I will do just that.

Well, that's this week's challenge.


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