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Friday, October 10, 2003

RIP Snyder, Godspeed Heatley

I found myself profoundly touched by the tragedy endured by Heatley and Snyder. I am a Thrashers fan; have been since the inaugural season.

It’s not just the fact that these young men are famous- one rich and famous, one no-so-rich and although he was famous, he’s gained even more notoriety as of late. I hate watching young men and women have their dreams taken away much too early. I’ve seen it so many times.

Just 3 months ago, my aerobic mentor lost her son to a traffic accident. He was just 17. Smart, industrious, and a smile to melt for- his life was abruptly haled in a matter of seconds. All I can picture is the unfelt feelings, un-had good times, no college, no disappointments, no life chapters to conclude, all the people unmet, and family un-had.

As for Snyder, he had the world at his feet, just waiting to be snatched up. He wasn’t the millionaire you would assume him to be but it was within his grasp. Talent and ambition were his strengths. Hockey fans watched Snyder come into his own during the last couple of years. He would’ve been known more for his hockey than his early demise.

As for Heatley, my heart bleeds for his pain and loss. Was it an act of stupidity? Yes, no doubt we have all done stupid things unintentionally in our lives. Most of us have been fortunate enough not to have been dealt such a harsh reality, personal guilt, and legal punishment to deal with such mistakes.

Already a star in his own right: rookie of the year, MVP All-Star, and everybody’s favorite hockey player. Heatley was living and realizing his dream and we were all there cheering for him. We wanted him to succeed. This rising star was noticed and appreciated and will truly be missed as he deals with his grief and “debt to society” as it were.

Two men- one dead and one whose life will undoubtedly live in regret, repentance, and without his best friend. My heart goes out to both of you and your families.

As with any tragedy, this always hits close to home. It can really happen to anybody and it does. Unfortunately, that’s proven every day. Heatley and Snyder are two great examples of lives truncated by tragedy. As with any loss of those around us, talents, societal contributions, love, laughter, insights, ideas, and skills will go unrealized.

God bless you Snyder, may you rest in peace. Thank you for the good hockey times.

God bless you Heatley, that you may heal and find peace.


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