
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Yellow Belt Test

I test for my Yellow Belt in American Karate on Wednesday, November 5th. I have several skills and techniques as well as a form that I have to demonstrate my aptitude for in order to earn my new belt. In addition to this demonstration, I have to recite the student pledge and submit an essay stating what I like best about the taking Karate and why I want to earn a Black Belt. I thought I would share my essay here:

Developing new skills by challenging the mind and body is imperative as an adult. Many times adults fall into a schedule rut and do the same things day in and day out. I believe this contributes to obesity and even worse, a lessening of the mind’s ability to think. I think we should all find ways to sharpen our thinking and if we can do this by physically challenging ourselves, all the better. We can find many hobbies where we are constantly learning and challenging our bodies both physically and mentally: square-dancing, aerobics, martial arts, etc.

I like Karate because I can challenge both the mind and the body in a fun, positive atmosphere with people who enjoy doing the same. I enjoy sharpening my reaction time and learning techniques that will help me if my physical welfare is ever harmed or compromised in any way. I feel I best learn this with the Self Defense Techniques as well as the Defensive Drills. The second aspect I like best is the forms. I enjoy putting moves together in our Forms. It’s like an art or a dance. An art I can continue to improve and perfect. A dance I am able to perform because although the Forms require a certain amount of grace, my hips don’t have to move with my upper body to make it graceful. Finally, I think the art and dance are a perfect blend of the mind and body working in harmony.

I would love to become a black belt. The reasons are innumerable but the main reason is because it’s a specific, achievable goal. I can see how hard I have to work to achieve this goal and the reward won’t come easy. Although I don’t see the Black Belt as the end all, be all, I do see it as my first summit reached after hurdling many hills to get there.


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