
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Monday, December 06, 2004

fit again

I'm feeling much better about myself post-partum. My rings fit again and have given me the motivation to get fit again. I haven't been perfect, but I've been eating good for about 4 days now; meaning that I've severly limited my sugar and ate more vegetables. Between breastfeeding and my new birth control, my cravings have been out of control. I'm trying to buckle down and be strong. I got 2 really good workouts in this weekend and I read the Power of 10. The workout is short but very slow and intense.

The idea is you spend one or two times a week really tearing down your muscles and then taking 4-7 days to recoup. The other days can be spent doing whatever you like but eating healthfully. I'm supposed to get one day off to eat whatever I want but I'll probably just have 1 or two things on that day. I don't think I have the discipline to give up a whole day and then get back on track. I don't have to do any other workouts unless I just want to. I will still take Karate 2-3 times a week, teach cardio kickboxing once a week, and I would like to add Yoga back in. I had hoped to be doing Yoga after birth but I had a breastfeeding accident in the hospital and hurt my wrist. I haven't been able to do anything with weight on my left hand since. I'm just now recovering and it's been almost 4 months.

I'll be doing my first Power of 10 workout today. Tomorrow I test for my blue belt in Karate. The test won't give me much of a workout like a normal Karate class but it should be a good day off ofter the Power of 10 workout.


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