
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Thursday, May 27, 2004


I read an interesting in the New York Times today about BLOGGING. I find it interesting how some people view people who feel the need to record their thoughts online. My question is how is it any different than keeping a private journal? (beside it being private) Today is a different age and time.

We have different media to record our thoughts in and if it brings the world a little closer than who does it hurt? I'll admit that I spend more time reading blogs than creating them. I like to be inspired by talented people. The blogs I choose to read are exclusive and I don't have patience for blogs that don't inspire. Wow, I guess that was a strong statement. I wonder if anybody has any patience for my blog. BUT, it doesn't really matter. I blog for me and nobody else.

I found a couple of quotes from the article interesting. Ms. Quint an editor was quoted as saying,

"The Web's illusion of immortality is sometimes more attractive than actual cash..."

Okay, who out there thinks we're making ourselves immortal by creating websites or blogs? I realize she says "illusion" but I don't think that anybody who knows anything about the web thinks these posts are here for eternal time.

I found another quote by Mr. Rothfuss (p.2)interesting as well:

"...creating a digital alter ego"

He sees it as merely creating a place to show who you are, what thoughts you have, or even create stories from experience or imagination.

I see no harm in creating this "digital alter ego." As I get older, I find myself falling into a routine all to easy. My brain becomes stale from the lack of challenges. If I can express myself one way or another, maybe I won't fall into a rut and find more interesting things to do with my addition to blogging of course.


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