
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

this and that

Yea, so what I was saying way back in August (I can't believe it's been that long since I posted!), none of that matters now. I don't care if I lose my identity as perceived by others. Westley was born and I immediately fell in love. I've never felt anything like it. Of course I fell head over heals for the Walrus, but this is different. I never understood the love of a mother for a child. The feeling you would do anything for him and to protect him at all costs. I was always afraid I would be a terrible mother because I never understood those feelings and thought I could never feel that way. I understand it now. I understood it immediately at the operating table. And, I increasingly understand it's power as it grows every day... with every new coo, new ability, and every millimeter and ounce of growth.

In addition, I've learned that mothers do lose brain cells after birth. It may have even started during pregnancy. I think a lot of it has to do with the hormones abound in my body but also from the lack of sleep in the beginning. Westley's pediatrician told me I need at least 4 hours of sleep for a properly functioning brain. Um... yea. Breast fed babies need a feeding every 3 hours. How exactly do I get four hours of sleep at one time? Especially since the 3 hours is from the beginning of the last feeding. That only left me 2- 2 1/2 hours after I finished the last feeding.

Everybody warned me to sleep when the baby sleeps. I wonder how many mothers have been able to follow that advice, especially if they have other children. Even if you're a first timer like me, you worry about the baby too much in the beginning, so you watch them sleep. Plus, by the time I wound down to take a nap, I would get 1/2 an hour to 45 minutes tops for a nap before the next feeding.

Thank goodness Westley started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. I've been doing very well for about 5 weeks now. I started back teaching aerobics and taking Karate in October. I'm faring pretty well but I really need to start getting the baby fat off. My blog will be more of my daily trial with fitness and a healthy lifestyle. I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight about a week and a half after giving birth but the fat now resides in places I didn't used to gain weight (as easily). I was also heavier than I should've been when I got pregnant.

I've started a walking regimen and teach cardio kickboxing once a week and take karate 2-3 times a week. I'd like to add some weight-bearing exercises at home. I have some dumbbells for upper body and I'd like to add some lunges, squats, and kicks on the wavemaster. I'm trying not to add too much at once so I don't get burned out.

As far as my eating habits, there's good news and bad news. Good news: I'm home all day so that I don't do lunch at any fast food places. Bad news: I'm home all day so I'm tempted to snack more. I'm working on my self discipline.

That's it for now. Like I said, This will be back to the fitness blog I first intended it to be but I will still write about anything if the mood strikes.