
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

forgotten tools

I started off good yesterday with my eating habits and progressively got worse. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would score yesterday a 2.5. I've done worse but I could definitely do better. I know I need a regimented diet to work but I'm really trying to make this work as a lifestyle and I really don't want to pay for what I already know. I think accountability is the key.

I just reviewed my old diet bookmarks that are very useful. One of them was Fitday. I haven't been on it in a couple of years and was very surprised to find all my old settings there. I will probably update this blog as my journal but my accountability will be detailed
here. I think the first 10 pounds will come off relatively quickly because I've been hardly drinking any water.

I've started off pretty good today. I would like to keep my calories less than 1400 for awhile. I'm meeting my mom for lunch today so that will be my first big challenge. I usually "forget" healthy portions and choices when I see her for lunch. I will remain focused today.

On another note, I may need to stop watching The Biggest Loser. I'm getting quite discouraged. With the exception of Seth, the others I have seen from previous shows have gained quite a bit of weight back. I guess when you're competing for a lot of money, you try to lose as much as possible. Probably more than is manageable. My goals are pretty modest. I would like to be at the top of my recommended BMI (159 lbs.). I want to be healthy but I don't want to have to maintain 135 pounds. The amount of brain and physical power would be all-consuming to maintain that weight. 135 would be at the bottom of my recommended BMI. Plus, I maintain and build muscle relatively easily. BUT, I also gain fat very easily. Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah... muscle weighs more than fat. I WILL NOT MAINTAIN THAT AS MY MANTRA. It's a trap to make me feel like I'm doing better than I am.

Here's to today. Cheers!


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