
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I'm still here

I've been working overnight for a seasonal job since November. Between that and taking care of the boy, my fitness quest has sadly taken a back seat. It's also sad because I really want to adopt fitness as a lifestyle, which I've been mostly good at, but fitness still takes a break now and again in my life. I thought working overnight would be great. I could work the amount of hours I couldn't work part time before and still not have to put the boy in daycare.

The job didn't work out according to plan. I wanted 3 nights, mostly weekends and I got 4 nights all weekdays. I wanted 20 hours, I got 26 hours. I was hungry around the clock because I was awake around the clock excluding a few naps here and there. At least it was a temporary job. Lesson learned.

I'm trying to get back on track. I only gained 4 pound. While I'm very disappointed with that, I guess I'm thankful it was only 4.

The weather has been very temperate so I have no excuse for not walking again. I have made it a point to bring Westley out every afternoon and pull him in his wagon or push him on his new little trike. Now I just need to bring my good eating habits back and I'll be set.

I'm at a standstill and in aerobic no-man's-land. I haven't taught since August and I can't decide whether to renew my certification again. Emotionally, this tears me apart. I've been teaching since the end of 1999 but I really don't think I miss it that much. I do miss the ladies I used to workout with though.

That's all for now. Will be updating again soon.


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