
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

chugging along

So I had to drive my stepdaughter (aka Buttercup) home by myself on Monday, 3 1/2 hours each way. I had very busy day (taking care of kids, getting my work done, & driving) and didn't know how I was going to fit my minimum of 30 minutes walking in. After seeing the stacked traffic on 75 South (the way home), I decided this would be a perfect time to stop in an Alabama park and get my walk in. I chose one that happened to be marked. It was the size of a football field so 1 lap equaled 1/4 mile. I've been wanting a pedometer but have been frozen in indecision with how many choices there are. This was the perfect opportunity to count my steps since I had a marker at 1/4 mile that was clear, unlike walking in my neighborhood or at the park where I often miss the mile markers. I counted only 485 steps for 1/4 mile which equals 3,880 steps for 2 miles or for me, 30 minute of walking.

I've had a lofty goal of reaching 10,000 steps a day like YOU: On a Diet recommends but this means I would have to walk 5 to 5 1/2 miles to reach this goal (if my math is correct). I think it was Dr Pam Peek (sp?) that said 10,000 steps averages to about 4 miles for most people. Does this mean I'm working that much less just because I take longer strides? I'm able to maintain a mile every 15 minutes (4 mph). I don't know how I can go any faster or muster up more than hour a day for exercise. I have a pretty sedentary job so I think my steps throughout the day is negligent.

Maybe I'm getting too bogged down in the numbers. I usually do whether it's counting carbs, calories, or miles and time spent on exercise. Just needed to get that off my chest so I can focus on the big picture.


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