
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

random update

Well, I'm finally contributing more to the household financially but I need to do more. I just picked up another aerobics class at Gold's Gym. Taught my first one last night. I was scared to death because I've had a terrible experience with a co-ed gym. I've had a really good experience with a different co-ed gym but the bad one overpowers everything and taints any new experiences with co-ed gyms in general. I realize this is completely ludicrous since the problems I've had have been with women at those gyms so it has nothing to with being co-ed. I don't know, the attitudes are different than at an all-women's gym where I've mostly fared very well. By the way, how is it legal to have an "all women's gym?" Don't get me wrong, I like having an all-women's gym but if "they" were to have an all-men's gym it would be a no-go.

Anywho, I had a really great class last night. I need to get used to the hardwood floors but I'm really excited about being there. I hope they'll keep me. I'd really like to pick up one more class locally but I'm nervous about going out asking for an aerobics job when I'm carrying so much baby weight. I can do more than most other people but first impressions matter and I don't think I have the emotional strength right now to deal with rejection; especially over my physical appearance.

I'm still working on my power of 10 workout which is very intense. I'm only maintaining though. I can't cut back on the calories until I'm done nursing- hopefully August. I'm hoping to build some muscle anyhow even if I can't totally go all out on burning off the fat. I think it will all workout in the end.

In other news, I love my latest job...being a mother. Westley is just the best and I don't know what I ever did without him. My love grows more every day. How does he do that? It's like nothing I've ever experienced. I love how the Walrus interacts with the boy and how Westley lights up every time he enters the room. I love the good morning smile I get every day. I also love it when he cries because he's trying to communicate with me. I love watching him try something new every day whether it's bananas or trying to get on his hands and knees. He's just the best.


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