
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I'm working out more consistently now whether it be teaching a class, taking Karate, or doing my own workout. I thought that once I stayed home with the boy that I would be more motivated to workout at home. Two things wrong with that plan- 1) We no longer have a VCR for my favorite Yoga and workout tapes -and- 2) I just don't. I still need the gym. I would like to figure out a way to get there for my own workout at least once a week. I like doing the Power of 10 workout better at the gym. I don't have heavy enough weights at home so it takes a lot of time to get through the intense workouts because I have to do more reps to feel fatigued.

This morning was great. I thought I was subbing a class but showed up a week early. The Walrus stayed home with Westley and when I realized I wasn't supposed to be teaching, I did my own workout for the first time in awhile. I tried last week but didn't get through the whole thing because Westley got fussy in the nursery. It was nice not having to worry about the baby this morning and I enjoyed myself immensely. Of course, I missed the boy sorely and was looking forward to getting home again. I'm going to have to figure out a way to do this more often. Like I said, at least once a week.

I'm scheduled to teach 2 more classes this week and have a Karate class tomorrow.


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