
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Procrastination at its best...

I've been putting off updating my blog for some time now. I figured I haven't had anything interesting to write about so I haven't. Then I remembered why I started the blog to begin with... to get inspired, a stream of consciousness if you will. Maybe by writing out my thoughts from time to time, I can become a writer somehow, some way.

I meant to expound on my "80s music doesn't have to suck" thought but I never got a round tuit. Do you have a round tuit? Anyhoo, I lost my train of thought on that since I never wrote it down. It was in my head and quite creative if I do say so myself. I was going to talk about Camper Van Beethoven and Peter Pumpkin Head but all original meaning is lost on me now. Plus, some of my thoughts crossed from the eighties into the early 90s.

My weight loss is at a stand still. I'm almost 7 months pregnant. I've been trying to eat right and limit myself to moderate exercise. I still teach kickboxing once a week and take Karate two nights a week. I would like to add prenatal Yoga but I need to find that round tuit first. My hips hurt if I do too much. My doctor says it's my joints loosening up preparing for child birth. Lovely thought, eh? Anyway, I need to watch my range of motion lest my muscles get pulled. Sometimes hard to remember in Cardio Kickboxing and Karate.

Well, I think this post is a good start (or re-start). I don't want to strain myself. I'll keep promising myself to update this periodically.


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