
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Friday, August 06, 2004


How do I maintain a sense of self after giving birth to and subsequently taking care of another human life? I asked myself a version of this question when I got married last year. Will I still be an independent individual? Will I be okay if I lose everything I cherish today? Will I still be respected for my thoughts and opinions? Will others just see me as part of a couple and now part of a family? Am I just a part or am I still a person as a whole un-into-itself?

Well, just like I got over my fear of losing a sense of myself after getting married, I'm sure I'll get over my becoming "just a mom." It's not that I'm so scared what others will perceive me as. I'm concerned I'll lose myself in the process; concerned about how I perceive myself. Besides giving and caring for a life, will I still be able to offer anything else to the world? I still believe it's not a woman's job to necessarily and solely placed on this earth to propagate and care for everybody else.

In addition to all of these fears, how do I become a loving, caring mom when I myself still feel like a child? That's probably the easiest fear, listed here, to answer. It's a question I ask myself but I think I already know the answer. In many ways, I'm still a child but I don't need to be cared for in a way a child does. I guess that's part of what makes me ready for this next phase in my life: motherhood.

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to motherhood and I can't wait to meet the allusive baby Westley. Everybody says everything changes when you give birth and I have no doubt. I just fear of what I will change into. Will it be for the better? I just need to figure out how to answer and starve these fears into submission but still not giving into losing my sense of self in the process.

Thursday, August 05, 2004


are now enabled.