
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Monday, May 23, 2005

I finally dropped 9 pounds. My thyroid was off again without my knowing. I was back down to my pre-pregnancy dosage after I gave birth so I thought I would stay at that dose. I had experienced very sore muscles and fatigue after I ceased breast feeding. I didn't realize my levels were off again. I attributed it to my new birth control. That's what I get for skipping the doc appointment. I'll be tested again in 2 weeks.

I've been eating much better. I try to go veggie shopping each week now. When I feel like emotionally eating or eating out of boredom, I reach for something whole and I'm trying not to do it mindlessly. It seems be working. I'm full for much longer and I find myself experimenting with cooking I've never really tried. I've cooked with soba noodles, tilapia fish, sashimi salmon, tofu, and all kind of veggies from the Asian supermarket and I've been very pleased with my creations. I made baked chicken coated in roasted wasabi peas that was delightful. Some of my creations are completely made up some are inspired by favorite restaurants like Doc Chey's and East-West Bistro. I have one day a week that I try not to worry about food as much. I chose Sunday. I also stopped eating after 7:30.

I do some form of physical activity every day including Power Yoga 1-2 times a week. The weight is coming off slow but I don't mind. In the past, the weight came off fast but it never lasted. I already feel much better.


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