
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

karma baby and DAY 2

Speaking of karma, I love that new show's, My Name is Earl, premise. He's done bad things all his life and his life sucked. After his epiphany, he decided to try doing good things to see how things go. I love it. I'll have to give it a couple more chances before I decide I like the show but I love the premise.

Also speaking of karma, how about Matt on The Biggest Loser? He was such a jerk and a meanie on last week's show and he pulls a quad this week. I don't mean anybody ill-harm, especially a meanie on tv whom I don't even know but sometimes you better watch your back. Why did he run that hard anyway? He would've only had to do it 3 more times and probably wouldn't have had to do it that intensely. Can you tell I love this show? I never got into Reality TV until this one and I didn't even find out about it until the last couple of shows last season.

I survived the first day of my self-inflicted bootcamp (sib) yesterday. I went to bed hungry and really wanted to eat this morning's breakfast last night but I survived. I really think it was that rough because I put too much time between my breakfast and my first snack. I was off the rest of the day. It's 11:20 now and I feel much better than I did this time yesterday. I already did more than half my workout this morning- walking, pushups, abs. I only have 40 minutes of cardio left this afternoon.

I was going to follow the 10 day diet of TurboJam to a 'T' until I wrote out a grocery list. It would be very expensive to eat exactly as they spell it out. For example, I eat 1 slice of turkey bacon on Day 1 and not eat it for the rest of the 10 days. That means the rest of the package would go to waste. I decided to pick several of the meals and eat them a few times throughout the 10 days with minimal modifications. It says you can pick meals from other days anyway, that it was developed to be interchanged. If anything, I'm neglecting myself of a few calories.


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