
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Day 5

Well, I think I'm perfecting my workout regimen. I like working out at 8:45 am. I tried 1p, 2p, 8:30a, etc. But none of those times work as good as 8:45 for me. I also tried doing 2 workouts a day; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. That totally sucked. I had more laundry than ever. I had to shower twice a day, sometimes more. And finally, this doesn't work so good for the baby. His naps in the afternoon are getting very unpredictable and the morning naps are getting really long. It just makes sense to do all the workouts at once. I would like to spread it out to give me a kickstart, it's just not working though.

I'd rate my diet a 5 out of 5 since last Tuesday. I've been very disciplined. I didn't even break down at work last night. I usually work a part time job Friday and Saturday nights. These days are my biggest challenge since I stay up later than the other nights. I get really hungry.

I did a sneak peak on the scale and tape measure today. It looks like I've lost about a pound, maybe two and I've lost 3/4" in the waist. I'm not doing anything officially until day 10, Friday.


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