
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Friday, September 16, 2005


I finally got my results from the doctor. I only pulled my hamstring. The good news is that it's not arthritis. The bad news is, it will "take forever to heal." The good news is it's been hurt since the end of June, so I already have some healing time under my belt.

My tryglycerides are through the roof (527). She thinks it's my new birth control. I've always had high cholesterol - a little bit but nothing like my new numbers. It's hereditary so I'll probably eventually end up on medication once we lower it all we can through diet, exercise, and controlling my other meds. My thyroid is leveled out- FINALLY! That makes me very happy. She changed my birth control. I'll have it checked again on October 31st. I can't tell you how relieved I am to know what's going on.

I have a makeup test for my brown belt scheduled for Tuesday. I'm very excited because my black belt is just around the corner (May 2006). The instructor just changed the curricullum so that means some of the stuff I've been working on for about 3 years will have to be relearned. I like the new curricullum so it will be worth it. I have a renewed energy for Karate because of the changes. He will be focusing more on self defense which makes me very happy.

My self-inflicted bootcamp starts Tuesday, September 20. I found a cool new website called (work out with you). I've requested a buddy to check in with and it's a great way to keep track of my workouts. I can record workouts and also schedule them for the future. It's really cool. I found a buddy that's doing TurboJam so we'll see if she accepts me as a buddy. It's a pretty cool tool.

We have my stepdaughter this weekend. Because we spend so much time traveling to get her, it impedes on my workout. I shouldn't have any excuses for Sunday. I have a workout scheduled and I will work on fitting something in tomorrow.


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