
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Friday, June 10, 2005

I'm still here

I'm finding it hard to find any energy. Alhtough energy begets energy, I'm still finding it hard. I'm not sure what the dealio is. I'm down one more pound for a total of 10 pounds. I think I need to shake things up a bit. I'm attending two workshops this weekend to spice up my Group Fitness instruction. I'm taking a Round workshop for my kickboxing class (Turbokick) and taking a PiYo workshop. PiYo is a combination of Pilates and Yoga produced by Turbokick. I've mentioned that I stop eating after 7:30. This backfires sometimes but I am on track most of the time. It takes planning, especially if I have aerobics class, Karate, or I work that evening. If I find my self not having a plan come 4 o'clock, I'm usually in trouble. Either I eat after this prescribed time or I go hungry until breakfast. I was inspired by Ointy to make weekly goals, so here goes:

1) Make healthy food choices and plan the morning before or the day before.
2) Keep the 7:30 stop point in mind by planning ahead as stated in #1.
3) Swim one time this week, Walk at the park 2 times this week, attend Karate 2 times this week, teach CKB one time, and step class one time, and finally, do Yoga 1-2 times this week.

That should be doable. I find myself wanting to join a formal weight loss plan. I have three problems with that: 1) I don't want to spend money on something I can do for myself. 2) I don't have the time to attend meetings where I get annoyed at others. And 3) I've done formal programs before and I've always gained the weight back. I need something I can live with forever and figure out on my own.


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