
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Friday, July 15, 2005

my poor neglected blog

What's new? I'm down a total of 15 pounds. I'm feeling pretty good but would still like to up my workouts and make them more consistent in doing them daily and more diversified in the activity performed. I'm particularly inspired by the Fat Man Walking as of late. What a great inspiration. If anybody can be so down on his luck, and find a way to still motivate himself, I think it's fantastic.

I've added a new format to the types of Group Fitness classes I'm teaching-Piyo. It's a Pilates/Yoga mixed class. It's so much fun to teach. I can't wait until my next class on Tuesday. It's very different from any Pilates or Yoga I've ever taken.

I started recording my workout and eating log at I will still post here and more often since we finally have DSL. Yipee!

Updated short term and long term goals coming soon...


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