
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

rollin, rollin, rollin...decide

I've been enjoying a gradual weight loss for about a year now, which adds up to about 15 pounds. After giving birth, I hovered around 199- my highest weight ever excluding my pregnancy weight. I've been having trouble leveling off my thyroid this whole year. I think the doctor and I have finally got the right dosage for the hormone but I haven't received my latest results yet.

So, now I'm down to 184. I lost my job as a group fitness instructor when my gym closed and haven't been able to find another gig in the meantime. I took a week off and did nothing while being depressed. I finally snapped out of it and started walking the neighborhood with the boy. I never realized how hilly our hood is. It's been quite challenging. Although I feel more energetic, I haven't noticed any additional weight loss or decreased measurement.

I decided it's time to kick it up a notch, to quote Emeril. Inspired by The Biggest Loser, I've decided to put myself through a 10 day bootcamp. I'm starting next Monday or Tuesday. I usually start right away once I make a decision but I'm under doctor's order to give my right leg a rest. She still gave the okay to walk.

My diet will be severly restricted for 10 days and my exercise regimen more intense. My husband, the Walrus, will be on vacation so that means he can cook his own meals. I'll note my progress in the gym log in the left column, including starting and ending statistics. I'm hoping for 5+ pounds to give me the jumpstart my body needs. I have a good 20-25 pounds I'd like to get off once and for all. With the exception of bootcamp, I'm done with diets, so-to-speak. I just want to be more concious of my food choices and energy expenditure.

I missed my doctor's call yesterday with my thyroid, cholesterol, and hip results. I have to stay glued by the phone today. It's killing me, not knowing.

In workout news, the boy and I added the rest of the neighborhood to our walk today which added about 12 minutes to the walk. I'll have to get in the car and measure the path.


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