
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

down but not out

I've been having terrible pain in what feels like my lower right butt cheek since June or July. It's been somewhat intrusive on my life but I've been living with it and kept working out. I especially spent more time practicing yoga while gently trying to stretch it. It felt so tight. I finally went to the doctor on Monday. She ordered x-rays and I'm anxiously awaiting the results. She said it could be arthritis of the hip which totally shocked me. I always thought hip pain same from the side or front. She said it could be a pulled hamstring which takes forever to heal. Although I'm not thrilled with "taking forever to heal," I sure hope it's my hamstring. She told me not to do anything for a week with my leg except that I could keep up my walking regimen. This was quite disappointing. I was supposed to test for my brown belt this week. My instructor gave the okay to test next week though.

The Walrus, Westley, the doggies, and I spent the weekend in the mountains. The weather was beautiful and the hiking felt good. I can't wait until next year's visit. We have something a little different planned for our hiking trips. I'll write more about the trip in
my living blog.


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