
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

making strides

I've made quite an improvement this week. As I mentioned earlier, my gym as I knew it is no more. I was force to find a new home for group fitness. I found a local gym with a great facility. I interviewed and "tried out" this week. I don't feel like I gave them my best. They mostly teach step and I'm not sure that's the best format for me. Step was my first love and you never forget your first but I've evolved over time and much prefer kickboxing and yoga and pilates. My heart wasn't in it this week. This was my wake up call.

After spending about a week doing nothing, I decided it was time to find me again. This week I read and finished You: the Owners Manual and realized I haven't really been taking care of myself. I introduced some of the book's premises into my daily life this week.

On Wednesday, I walked for 40 minutes, 45 on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Also, on Saturday I did biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back and abs as well as 15 minutes of Yoga. I haven't been perfect in my eating but I'm much more mindful about what I put in my mouth. I feel very good today and feel like I can keep this up.

Next weekend is our yearly trek to the mountains. This is the first year baby Westley will participate since he was just born last year. We'll hike Brass Town Bald, hike to some waterfalls, walk around our cabin, chill in the hot tub, and have lots of yummy homemade meals in our quaint cabin. Besides, the dogs look a little listless. They need a vacation. I'm very excited especially since we didn't get to go last year with the birth of the baby and all. Heh.


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