
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Friday, August 26, 2005


I have been so down in the dumps this week. You see, last week MY gym downgraded to one of those circuit-only gyms. That's right, no aerobics, or group fitness, or whatever you want to call it. The eminent closing has been apparent for some time now but I refused to accept it until it happened. I have been at this gym since 1997 and taught there since 2000. Now I'm without a gym to call my own and out of a job. I was teaching 3 classes there a week.

I've been driving to this gym for more than a year now, much further than I should (26 miles each way) to teach a one hour class. I have been needing to simplify my life by cutting out that drive but because I refused to accept this eminent closing, I haven't done it yet. So, last week I went to a local club. I was totally impressed with the facility. I didn't expect much because it doesn't look like much from the outside. But it has everything except a pool.

The owner had me fill out an application which was strange. Usually an aerobic instructor is an independent contractor. I probably should have stressed this point to him but I accepted his explanation that he wasn't in a position to hire anybody at this point. Doesn't everybody need an extra qualifed instructor for the sub list?

Of course, I took this personally. I'm not sure why. I tell myself I should have gone through the aerobic coordinator but didn't have all of her information which a fellow gf instructor promised me but never followed-through. My husband told me to stop second-guessing myself and he's probably right.

There's not that many gyms in the area that offer aerobics. One is a Christian-only gym that requires all Christian music. That's fine and all but my Kickboxing music is far from that. I'm not ready to conform. The other gym is small and I heard the owner likes to teach all the classes. I haven't verified that for myself yet.

So, this week I found myself in a funk. I have never taken a whole week off from aerobics. Even when I took vacation, I usually ended up teaching at least one class. One of my former members told me to come to the gym she joined after ours changed. It's 19 miles away which leads me back to my original problem of needing to simplify my life. As it is, I will probably find myself there next week asking for a spot.

Meanwhile, I'll work on getting me out of this funk. Brownies aren't helping.


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