
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I've realized something about myself lately. I'm really coming into my own as far as how I prefer to workout. After a very intense cardio workout, I usually feel ravenous and want to grab anything to eat- good or bad, usually chocolate. I also feel a little rundown. In addtion, I realized I don't enjoy working out with weights. Don't get me wrong, I'm not discounting the importance of cardio and weight training. I feel like I've just come to a realization that maybe I was doing these workouts without figuring out how my body reacts and whether I'm enjoying it or not.

After a mind-body class, like Yoga or Pilates, I feel great, energized and I feel like eating something nourishing. I crave good veggies and low-glycemic fruits. I want water.

Where does this leave me now? It's time for a change in my workout. I'm not eliminating cardio and weight training but I'm going to do more mind-body exercise, more consistently. I will try to walk more for cardio and leave the high intensity cardio for a couple of times a week. Since Yoga is doing so well for my upper body, I think I'll concentrate my weight training on my lower body. I'll see how I feel after a couple of months. It might be time for a change then too.


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