
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Thursday, May 27, 2004


I read an interesting in the New York Times today about BLOGGING. I find it interesting how some people view people who feel the need to record their thoughts online. My question is how is it any different than keeping a private journal? (beside it being private) Today is a different age and time.

We have different media to record our thoughts in and if it brings the world a little closer than who does it hurt? I'll admit that I spend more time reading blogs than creating them. I like to be inspired by talented people. The blogs I choose to read are exclusive and I don't have patience for blogs that don't inspire. Wow, I guess that was a strong statement. I wonder if anybody has any patience for my blog. BUT, it doesn't really matter. I blog for me and nobody else.

I found a couple of quotes from the article interesting. Ms. Quint an editor was quoted as saying,

"The Web's illusion of immortality is sometimes more attractive than actual cash..."

Okay, who out there thinks we're making ourselves immortal by creating websites or blogs? I realize she says "illusion" but I don't think that anybody who knows anything about the web thinks these posts are here for eternal time.

I found another quote by Mr. Rothfuss (p.2)interesting as well:

"...creating a digital alter ego"

He sees it as merely creating a place to show who you are, what thoughts you have, or even create stories from experience or imagination.

I see no harm in creating this "digital alter ego." As I get older, I find myself falling into a routine all to easy. My brain becomes stale from the lack of challenges. If I can express myself one way or another, maybe I won't fall into a rut and find more interesting things to do with my addition to blogging of course.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


I've been reflecting a bit too much today. Work is slow I guess. I really don't have any regrets in my life, save one. Sure there have been things I said that I wish I didn't but those aren't remembered once I get over them.

They say that friends are here for a reason, season, or a lifetime. I had a friend in college that I was convinced was there for a lifetime but only proved to be there for a season. I had so much love for her but it started falling apart when she dated a guy I didn't approve of. He was condescending and an a$$ but that was beside the point. I never felt he appreciated her for everything she was. He had these notions of who my friend M was but didn't really know her. I never understood how she could be with somebody like that. I let it affect our friendship in ways I will never be able to fully repair.

We tried. She did finally leave the a$$ eventually and married a wonderful man. Being the protective friend I am I was very keen on her proceeding cautiously. He convinced both of us he was worthy of M's love. Even better, I met my future husband shortly after they got married and both he (J) and my husband got along famously. Unfortunately, so much damage had already been done that M and I have never been able to repair what's already been said. We had already grown apart.

Meanwhile, my husband had commissioned J to do a painting for his parents' anniversary. J was going through a hard time with his paintings because his clients repeatedly made him redo the paintings for one stupid reason or another. These paintings were fabulous. They were perfect. J was blocked. The couple times I got a glimpse of what he painted for my husband, I was completely impressed. J was never happy with it and in good conscious would not let us have it. We had already paid J. We just wanted the painting. But as an artist, he couldn't give it up.

I knew they had sights on moving across the country. My mom ran into M at M's job where M informed my mom that they were moving in two weeks. I meant to go see M and wish her my best. I meant to call her but I never got a round to it (or tuit). Instead, I told my husband he should call J and at least get our money back.

My husband followed through. A couple of days later we had a check in the mail with a note apologizing that this came between our friendships. I never felt so sick to my stomach because I didn't feel like asking for our money back was going to end our friendship once and for all. I was never mad about the painting or the money. I still felt entitled to ask for it back since we never got the painting. They left and I never did anything about it. I haven't spoken to M to this day.

Today I got curious and did a search for their address. I found it on my first search. It was way too easy. Maybe this is my chance to make amends.

Monday, May 24, 2004


For many years, I was in search of an article I read as a youngin'. It was about lucid dreaming. I first read about it in Omni magazine in 1986 (I think). I made countless searches at the library for a copy of the article but never could find it. Well, thank God for the internet because I finally ran across the information I was looking for.

What's even worse, I bookmarked my finding on the internet some time ago and just got around to reading it. If you would like to learn more about lucid dreaming have a gander.

I guess I was about 15 when I first pondered lucid dreaming. After reading how to achieve lucidity, I was able to have lucid dreams pretty easily. Unfortunately, I didn't "practice" and since only occasionally have lucid dreams. Maybe every few years or so.

Once I accomplished lucidity, I was able to control my dreams to a certain degree. If I found myself doubting that I was dreaming, it wasn't as easy to control especially when other people were around. Mostly, I would choose to fly. Once, I found myself in a very magical place with waterfalls into vast beautiful pools (almost terraced into each other) and the most magical animals including unicorns.

My Dad (who introduced me to the original article) and I used to "practice" so we could meet each other in our dreams. It's been a long time, but I think we got it to work a couple of times. Or at least, we think we did. The mind is very powerful and it is my reality as I perceive it.

As for now, I'm going to practice achieving lucidity again. My dreams as of late get weirder every night. I wonder if it has anything to do with the human growing inside my belly.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Procrastination at its best...

I've been putting off updating my blog for some time now. I figured I haven't had anything interesting to write about so I haven't. Then I remembered why I started the blog to begin with... to get inspired, a stream of consciousness if you will. Maybe by writing out my thoughts from time to time, I can become a writer somehow, some way.

I meant to expound on my "80s music doesn't have to suck" thought but I never got a round tuit. Do you have a round tuit? Anyhoo, I lost my train of thought on that since I never wrote it down. It was in my head and quite creative if I do say so myself. I was going to talk about Camper Van Beethoven and Peter Pumpkin Head but all original meaning is lost on me now. Plus, some of my thoughts crossed from the eighties into the early 90s.

My weight loss is at a stand still. I'm almost 7 months pregnant. I've been trying to eat right and limit myself to moderate exercise. I still teach kickboxing once a week and take Karate two nights a week. I would like to add prenatal Yoga but I need to find that round tuit first. My hips hurt if I do too much. My doctor says it's my joints loosening up preparing for child birth. Lovely thought, eh? Anyway, I need to watch my range of motion lest my muscles get pulled. Sometimes hard to remember in Cardio Kickboxing and Karate.

Well, I think this post is a good start (or re-start). I don't want to strain myself. I'll keep promising myself to update this periodically.