
I created this blog as my release. It's your typical, gratuitous page of all Pam. I need an outlet for my fitness plight and here it is.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

a tisket and a tasket

This week has been hectic. I'm down another pound. I've taught a record number of aerobic classes for me this month. At least in recent memory. I taught every day but Monday including Step, Sculpt, PiYo, and Cardio Kickboxing but a total of 7 classes. Overall I'm feeling good but a little run down. My knee joints are aching from overdoing it a bit, especially with the step classes (3 this week). Tomorrow's Sunday, and I intend to keep it pretty low key. I'd like to do some Yoga poses and maybe some pushups. I'm only scheduled for my regular 3 classes this week so my body can recoup. As always, my goal is to do something every day. Specifically:

SU- a few Yoga poses and some push-ups. Possibly take the baby for a walk if it's not flipping hot.
M- Power Yoga DVD
TU- teach PiYo and take Karate
W-Strength Fusion Yoga DVD
TH- teach TurboKick and take Karate

F- Teach Step


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